Hey Ladies Its been a while I know I won't do that to you again :-)
I'm sure this title grabbed your attention, It seems like everyone and their grandma is looking for a summer job and those who have it the worst are the youth. Though the economy is not a friend to people of any age its 100xs worse when you don't have experience in anything (ie never been employed). I work with youth everyday trying to find them jobs, but what employers are looking for is experience, they are looking for people who are professional, who are responsible. Even there is Equal Opportunity Employment you can't blame employers for having standards which mean you the YOUTH must step up your game and make them hire you. How do I do that Lady B? Glad you asked, due to you being the "Microwave Generation", you want everything fast, you want people to come up to you and say "Hey here is a job for you", Ummm sorry to say, but nothing in life works that way. That being said because we are in the age of technology and yes there are employers who want you to fill out an application/post a resume online, however, there is more than an online application, you must do a follow up call. I have been in your shoes I know follow up calls don't always work but you must do your part to know that you are trying.
Another tip is to do foot work, though online is okay and sometimes required go out to some of these establishments and ask to speak to a manager...Hold Up Wait A Minute.... Before you step out the door I want you to look through your closet for a nice Top (a.k.a, a blouse), Bottoms: skirt or slacks (a.k.a, dress pants) Colors preferably: black, dark blue, grey, pin striped, Shoes: Sold color -black, navy blue (no reds or yellows etc..) Please!!!! make sure your heals are 2-31/2 inches not your 5-6inch heels u where out with friends, NO!!! clear bottom heals NO! light up heals.
Hair: If you wear weaves or braids/twist make sure they are nice not matted, put it in a poney tail this looks very professional the employer can see your face, if you are Natural: wear a nice solid color head band unless you are interviewing at a retail store wear a cute head band. Nails: Take off all the colors, No glitter, No rhinestones, make sure the length of your nails are not to distracting. Piercings/Tattoos: If you have piercings in places that are normal to most like the tongue, eyebrow, lip, cheek, chin, top of the ear/more than one in the ear DO NOT WEAR THEM!!!! if you have tattoos on the arm, chest, neck, legs if it is possible cover them up. Jewelry: Don't overdo it a pair of earrings NOT the big hooped ones or the pair with your name, wear a nice necklace, bracelet/watch, ONE! ring on each hand if you must wear multiple rings (Just don't over accessorize).
Bottom line ladies, you are looking for a job and you have to know how to present yourself in specific setting such as an interview.
I have a lot more advice /tips to your Job search , Next weeks blog will be discussing Gaining Experience. Till then ladies go through your closet and look for your interviewing close. Have Fun!
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