Monday, December 26, 2011

Vision Board 2012

2012 is right around the corner and LadyB wants her girls to walk into the new Year with Vision. Your task should you choose to accept it
(you better<Smile>) is to create a vision Board, and here is what you will need:

1.    Poster Board
2.    Magazines
3.    Camera (to take pictures)
4.    Glue
5.    Markers/Color Pencils


On your poster board you will put pictures you cut out of the magazine or pictures you have taken of the things you are looking to accomplish in 2012.

The purpose of the activity is to not just say that you want to do but to actually see it, you are to place your vision board somewhere in your house where you can see it every day, and you should make an effort toward at least one of your goals every day.


Although it is good to know what you want to do and accomplish, but to see it every day can boost your confidence and your stamina to make an effort towards one of your goals. A business woman knows what she wants, she plans ahead, and takes a step by step approach to until the job is done. A business woman researches her every possibility, she takes opinions with discernment and makes decisions through prayer.

I am very excited about what is in store for LadyB’s Achievers, 2012 is sure to result in much success. I would love to hear about your vision boards and your successes.


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Cell Phone Etiquette

Last Thursday I was thinking of what to post and it came to me as I looked at my cell phone, I said I will post about cell phone etiquette because it is newly formed pet peeve of mine. I know that many teens get a bad rep for poor behavior, but I will say ladies it is not just you some of us adults seem to not know when to put the device away. I find it very funny that I wanted to write on this subject and on Friday morning I turned to MTV and True Life comes on “I’m addicted to Texting”.

Due to this becoming a new found pet peeve I am still working on my own personal cell phone etiquette so don’t think I have the perfect etiquette, but trust me I am very particular of my behavior. Let’s begin our journey on Cell phone usage J

Cell phones are very handy don’t get me wrong, you have everything you need at your figure tips and communication is made easy. So what could be the problem? I’m going to break it down in section 1.Talking on a Cell/Taking a Call, 2.Text Messaging, 3.Taking Pictures/Video’s

 Taking a Call:

So when do you take a call. In my profession youth come to meet with me for consultation on finding employment, I will get the occasional youth come in and answer their phones when they are meeting with me that is a NO, NO.  When you are in meetings or on scheduled appointment you should never take a call, unless you are a doctor on call and inform the person you are meeting with that you are expecting an important call… I don’t meant form your best friend Nicole who is about to tell you the details of her seeing your ex-boyfriend Hakeem with Tiffany your use to be home girl.

Your phone should be on silent when you are in meetings, appointments, social gatherings, or out to dinner…I really hope you get the point. When you are at home or someone’s home you should never bring your cell phone to the table if you do make sure it is on silent and once again inform the host that you are expecting a call from a parent. A call or text message should never be taken/answered at the table.

When accepting a phone call excuse yourself from the people you are with and don’t take forever, I hate when I am with someone and they say excuse me I have to take this and they stay for longer than 5mins. Be considerate of your guest/person(s) you are with its just bad manners.

Places To Cut Your Chat Time:

  1. Elevator
  2. Bathroom
  3. Table
  4. Appointments/meetings
  5. In Class

Let’s get One thing Clear There Is No Texting While Driving!!!!!!! Okay now that I have made myself clear, I think of all of my pet peeves texting is now my #1 issue I have with people period, but my lovely youngins that see everyday. Ladies I truly understand that texting is a better way of communicating especially because no one can hear what you are saying, but Really!??? When do you stop??

When I meet with my youth I can’t seem to have their full attention because of texting, facebooking, tweeting, etc.. so you know what I do?... You guessed it I have them put them away. Don’t get me wrong I text also, but when appropriate settings and times. I see youth texting when they are driving, working, in class, in meetings I’m not yelling I’m just sayin. Trust! I remember what it was like to be in a boring class with a monotone teacher lecture about history, math or something like that. I just want to bring to you attention that while you are texting you are not paying attention and sometimes yes LadyB has to check herself as well I am not perfect. Texting is truly an addiction, along with commenting on your status updates or answering your tweets. Don’t think I am passing judgment on my young followers because I have colleagues that do the same thing, checking emails, texting, checking sports stats..SMH 

O but there is one more texting BIG TIME NO NO! Texting in church… Ladies, Ladies, Ladies… Ladies, Ladies, Ladies. Now this is my time to get real serious because I have seen this happen with my own four eyes (I wear contacts) Lol! Church is a place of worship not social networking again I don’t forget what it was to be young, but like I said there is a time and place. I know sometimes there is just something you are dying to say so you may write a note okay fine, but to keep it flowing Umm…No. Remember what you are in church for and that is learning how to live your daily lives, to receive from God, and to build your spiritual relationship with Him. Yes, I know this is so painful to hear, but somebody’s got to say it J I still love you.

(Note: I hope you know this applies to playing games as well? You’re not getting off that easy J)

We must realize in all things there has to be moderation. At the beginning I told you how I was watching and MTV segment of True Life “I’m Addicted to Text”, they followed two young ladies who text over 90,000 messages combined, to make a long story short their obsession with text caused one young lady her marriage because all she did was text, and the other young lady who was 17 a senior in High School on her volleyball team lost out on a college scholarship because she developed carpel tunnel which will likely affect her the rest of her life because it is a muscle injury…Something to think about.

I want my girls to be well rounded don’t forget about regular conversation practice the way you speak because you need these skills in the work place you can text a job interview. I will leave speaking alone for now that is a whole notha otha conversation. Be Blessed ladies and remember to give those cell phones a break at some point, and not just when you go to sleep J

                                                                           ~Lady B
Click The Link Below to view episode.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Love Doesn't Hurt ~ I Can Do Bad All By Myself!

I stood up for you when my parents said you were no good. I snuck out of the house just to spend time with you. I encouraged and believed in you when others said you would fail. You asked me if I love you I said “Yes”, you told me I was the only one for you, your boo, your bae, your sexy young thang. You asked me to prove my love time and time again until I finally gave in and gave you me Everything.

You said you would be there for me that nothing, no one will tear us apart. The first time you hit me I said it was my fault; you had a bad day and my nagging made things worse. You choked me because I talked back, you punched me because I didn’t call back, you dragged me by my hair out the mall because I was hanging with my friends. I hid the bruises you gave me; I quit cheerleading, tennis, and SGA just so you could have me all to yourself.  All in All I loved you, I said it was me to blame I wanted to be the perfect girlfriend never to make you mad again.

You told me how hard you have it, your dad was never around, your mom can’t stand to look at you because all she see’s is your dead beat dad. I held you when you cried to me and told me that I’m the one. You told me that things would get better that you would never lay a hand on me again. Though your words were true I never imagined the baseball bat, the kick to the ribs and the gun in my face.

I never imagined or knew what true love was until I saw the people crowd this place, the tears the flowers, and comfort towards my parents, my sisters and my brothers. I never knew what true love was because I guess I really never loved me. True love was standing in from of me; they were my family and my friends. I can’t tell them how I feel now; I will never be able to feel what love feels like because I’m lying here dead. In rage you said you loved me that no one will ever love me the way you do, I guess you were right. Now both of our lives are over, though it is too late I finally comprehend what true love it and now I know that true love doesn’t have to hurt.

Note From Lady B:

Ladies don’t think this can’t happen to you.
  • 1.5 million high school students nationwide experience physical abuse from a dating partner in a single year.
  • One in 10 high school students has been purposefully hit, slapped or physically hurt by a boyfriend or girlfriend.
  • Girls and young women between the ages of 16 and 24 experience the highest rate of intimate partner violence—almost triple the national average.
You can find this and more by follow this link:
Love is not supposed to hurt, love is respect for your boundaries and your body. That first hit, or slaps will more than likely lead to a kick or a punch because he says it won’t happen again does not guarantee it won’t. If you, a friend, or a peer is experiencing domestic violence PLEASE GET HELP! YOUR ARE SPECIAL!!!!!

For More Information on Teen dating Abuse Visit the National Domestic Violence Hotline
1-800-799-7233 (SAFE) 1-800-787-3224 (TTY)

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Yeah, I know smile for what, life sucks people don’t pay attention to you parents hassle you about your grades, cleaning your room, which one is it grades or the room? Friends, talking about you behind your back, someone just blasted you on their Facebook status, O but wait, you just found out you failed a test that weigh heavenly on your grade.

Sometimes life is not easy we have rain we have clouds and we have storms. Things are not always going to go our way, we can’t control the mouths of others or their actions. My only advice for the solution to parents is…Drum Roll Please ~~~~~ Do your chores before they ask BAM!! That’s it. As for your grades…Baby you just need to study, point blank.

Ladies life really isn’t as bad as it may seem, sometimes we have to set the tone for our day you have to declare what your day is going to be no matter who says or does what. I know what it means to have a bad day, but I also know what it means to wake up in the morning and declare that “This day is going to be a great day, I have faith, Lord Bless this day” Don’t think because you are young God doesn’t listen and blessings are for you because if you are reading this blog you are Blessed!

Smile baby girl kill what the enemy think he has on you. It’s a new day clouds, rain, storm you are blessed and its only getting better, ALL storms prepare you for sunshine God wants to see how you work in your storms when you get through those trust me little sister, when things come your way they will roll off your shoulder don’t get me wrong you will be tested, but stand firm, have faith God’s Got your Back! So what are we going to do?


What’s flavor today?

                                                   ~Lady B

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Summer Jobs Part 2: Gaining Experience

As you know when you are doing your job search, you always come across jobs that say 6months, 12months , 1 year etc.. of experience, and you think to yourself "SERIOUSLY! I can do this job with my eyes closed". Although, you feel you are qualified employers are looking for people who have done a similar job I will I agree with you, because I find myself in the same delima of working in my field, I may have all the education it takes and class experience, but I don't have field experience, so what does that mean for me? I NEED TO GAIN EXPERIENCE... Here's How.

For the most part many of you are still in High School or entering college or just graduating and you are looking for that summer job to help you save for Senior activities or money for books. Regardless of where you are you all can benefit from the proper experience to get your foot in the door. Many of you may not like what I have to suggest next, but remember to get to where you want to be you have to start from the bottom and sometimes the bottom means working without pay, Yes! I mean volunteering/internships. Though you may not be fond of offering your time and labor for free but it is one of the best ways to gain the necessary experience you need to join the workforce.

By volunteering or interning in the field you are trying to enter or gaining experience in office, mechanical, technical areas you increase you chances of employment, not to mention some of you may the time as a graduation requirement. Some people don't realize that your volunteer/internship can be placed on their resume, so don't think this is a waist of time.

If you are looking into volunteering or interning here are some sites I suggest:

Don't forget to check your local libraries,civic centers, and other businesses you may be interested in ask if they offer internships or volunteer opportunities. I know most people volunteer at church which is very good I for one promote giving your time to God, but you also want to think outside the box, employers are always looking at resumes that indicate "I volunteer with my church youth group", but what sets you apart from the rest? if you like animals or looking to be in marine biology volunteer at the zoo, animal shelter, or sea aquarium. If you want to own your own business someday find out some local business that offer internships. Don't settle for what is obviously in front of you create your opportunities. Start the networking process early don't wait until the last minute remember people's names/numbers and make sure they know who you are, you never know when you need to make a reference or a connection to a job.

Trust me when I say, once you start volunteering you won't want to stop I idea of helping others is a good feeling, learning all you can about different field areas is worth it when you graduate college and resume is pact with great work experience and you land the job with the great salary while your friends who chose not to volunteer or consider an internship are struggling to even get an interview, "Not a good place to be in".

Well Ladies the choice is yours I have provided you with my insight now the ball is in your court. Have fun deciding where you want to volunteer, don't forget to think outside of the box.

Whats your flavor on volunteering/interning?

                                LADY B

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Hey Ladies Its been a while I know I won't do that to you again :-)

I'm sure this title grabbed your attention, It seems like everyone and their grandma is looking for a summer job and those who have it the worst are the youth. Though the economy is not a friend to people of any age its 100xs worse when you don't have experience in anything (ie never been employed). I work with youth everyday trying to find them jobs, but what employers are looking for is experience, they are looking for people who are professional, who are responsible. Even there is Equal Opportunity Employment you can't blame employers for having standards which mean you the YOUTH must step up your game and make them hire you. How do I do that Lady B? Glad you asked, due to you being the "Microwave Generation", you want everything fast, you want people to come up to you and say "Hey here is a job for you", Ummm sorry to say, but nothing in life works that way. That being said because we are in the age of technology and yes there are employers who want you to fill out an application/post a resume online, however, there is more than an online application, you must do a follow up call. I have been in your shoes I know follow up calls don't always work but you must do your part to know that you are trying.

Another tip is to do foot work, though online is okay and sometimes required go out to some of these establishments and ask to speak to a manager...Hold Up Wait A Minute.... Before you step out the door I want you to look through your closet for a nice Top (a.k.a, a blouse), Bottoms: skirt or slacks (a.k.a, dress pants) Colors preferably: black, dark blue, grey, pin striped, Shoes: Sold color -black, navy blue (no reds or yellows etc..) Please!!!! make sure your heals are 2-31/2 inches not your 5-6inch heels u where out with friends, NO!!! clear bottom heals NO! light up heals.



Hair: If you wear weaves or braids/twist make sure they are nice not matted, put it in a poney tail this looks very professional the employer can see your face, if you are Natural: wear a nice solid color head band unless you are interviewing at a retail store wear a cute head band. Nails: Take off all the colors, No glitter, No rhinestones, make sure the length of your nails are not to distracting. Piercings/Tattoos: If you have piercings in places that are normal to most like the tongue, eyebrow, lip, cheek, chin, top of the ear/more than one in the ear DO NOT WEAR THEM!!!! if you have tattoos on the arm, chest, neck, legs  if it is possible cover them up.  Jewelry: Don't overdo it a pair of earrings NOT the big hooped ones or the pair with your name, wear a nice necklace, bracelet/watch, ONE! ring on each hand if you must wear multiple rings (Just don't over accessorize). 

Bottom line ladies, you are looking for a job and you have to know how to present yourself in specific setting such as an interview.

I have a lot more advice /tips to your Job search , Next weeks blog will be discussing Gaining Experience. Till then ladies go through your closet and look for your interviewing close. Have Fun!

                                                                    ~Lady B

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Don't Give Up

I had a thought today:  Sometimes our lives can get so complicated and it seems there is no end to the madness and we feel like giving up on it all just throw in the towel. Sometimes we have thoughts of defeat "who cares, it's not important", I am definitely guilty of this crime, it is apart of our human nature.

I had another thought: When we feel defeated and beat up on ourselves does God feel it? I mean does he get disappointed that we choose to hurt ourselves?

If You give up on yourself, you give up on God He created you!

What's your flava?

                                                                                            ~Lady B

Monday, January 24, 2011


It seems like girls just have it way to hard... We are subjected to the image we see in the mirror "ourselves", Every time we look in the mirror it seems like it's time to critique we pluck, wax, shave, gel, moose, brush, curl, decorate our faces the question is, Do we really have to do all of that? We all know the impact of the media and the hold it puts in our minds; it is no longer acceptable to just be "you". My 16 year old sister wrote a speech for class that I thought was astounding and wanted to share:

Beauty is more than Skin Deep

Good morning my fellow classmates. I would like to speak to you today on a topic that has become very predominant everywhere in our society. In magazines, schools, and even clothing stores. It is something that has taken over the minds of kids and teens everywhere. Beauty. Beauty defined, makes you think of outward looks. Looks that can be manipulated by make-up, plastic surgery, hair color, or a number of things that give a false impression of the true definition of true external beauty. There are many people in this world who are beautiful by their looks, and every individual has a preference as to what makes a person truly outwardly beautiful. For instance, some girls may think Johnny Depp is just the sexiest guy in the world while others may prefer a tall dark and handsome. Some guys may think Nicole Kidman is the sexist women alive, while other my prefer Beyonce.
When you put on make-up, straighten and/or color your hair color, have plastic surgery, are you truly representing physical beauty or a persona of beauty? Outward beauty can be purchased; inward beauty can only be learned. I am beautiful, as you are beautiful, as all of us are beautiful. And yet most of us spend a good portion of our everyday lives looking in the mirror, critiquing ourselves, pointing out problem areas, and generally going “ugh.” But our appearance, this thing we call beauty, where does it come from? Can it be photographed and plastered on a 50-foot billboard or circulated on a million magazine covers?
Consider for a moment that it might be something more personal. Something a little more than skin deep. I don’t know how many times I’ve heard some healthy, attractive individual proclaim that they would do anything just to lose 15 pounds. Hello, we live in America. The land of plenty. The land of opportunity. The land of a $33 billion dollar diet industry. People all over the world are starving and yet here we are spending ridiculous amounts of money so people can tell us not to eat. And then we get into the fad diets. In fact, at any one time, half of all teenage girls in America are dieting.
We must think about what kind of messages we are sending. Professor Theresa Thompson recently did a class project in her communications course at the University of Dayton in which the students studied magazines for girls ages 8 to 18. Beauty, body, and boys. In discussing the body, the magazines did not talk about health and fitness, but rather they spoke of looking good and what one can do to look better. Eating disorders were viewed as a problem, not because of their health risks, but because of their affect on your skin, hair, and nails. One quiz invited readers to discover if they were a brain or a beauty, implying that the two are mutually exclusive. I am reminded of the movie “She’s All That.” In the movie, the most popular guy is school makes a bet with his friends that he can turn any girl in school into a Prom Queen in six weeks. The target? The shy self-conscious girl. The weirdest girl in school. Within a few weeks, the girl was turning heads with her new look. She becomes automatically happy, falls for jerk boy, and he falls for her. So let me get this straight, if you’re a guy, you’re not attractive unless you’re shallow and insensitive, and if you’re a girl, then it doesn’t matter what you’re like inside because all anybody cares about is how you look.
Peoples Magazine’s top 50 most beautiful people of the year, a plus-sized supermodel once said “If we can’t see ourselves as we truly are, we can never present ourselves as we wish to be seen.” How do you wish to be seen?  Plato described beauty as an everlasting loveliness which neither comes nor goes; the beauties of the body are as nothing to the beauties of the soul. It’s not about looking beautiful, it’s about feeling beautiful.

So ladies What's your Flava?

                                                                                            ~ Lady B